Hans-Werner Oertel (1951), a graduate journalist with a focus on medium-sized and research-intensive innovations, radio presenter, husband, sea salt expert, and diver.
As the PR team leader, I coordinate internal and external communication for the 3Ship major project as well as for related and partly upstream alternative energy projects. In all projects, it is the sustainable, intelligent and comprehensive approach that inspires us as a team again and again. We want to pass on this spirit, which is also prepared with the help of artificial intelligence, to the new generation of cruisers under sail in a variety of ways in words, images and videos. Classic print media and specialist magazines, including the associated web portals, still play a role, but the global trend is moving towards social media channels and thus towards individual factual and experiential information. Our PR work is also facing various new challenges: digital transformation and the personalization of information will be just as important as the fight against fake news.